![Finding motivation to work hard when you are tired is not easy.](https://breakingbroke.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/jordan-whitfield-sm3Ub_IJKQg-unsplash-1024x576.jpg)
Getting Motivated When You Have No Energy
For those with lofty goals, getting motivated to work when you have no energy is a constant struggle. Unfortunately, being tired and achieving our goals don’t always go hand in hand. Science backs this notion as researchers have found that people are less likely to work and exert effort if they are fatigued.
Navigating fatigue will always be challenging, but is there an effective way to get motivated when you have no energy? The answer is yes. You can summon motivation even when you have no energy and this post will teach you how.
A Busy Life, Low Energy, And Finding Motivation
I’ve recently taken up learning a second language which is making life busier than ever. My plate is full between work, running this blog, maintaining my fitness, and learning Spanish.
In addition to being stretched for time, it feels like my energy and motivation are pushed to their daily limits.
The days have become far longer than they used to be. As such, my energy becomes depleted in the evenings which results in decreased motivation to work.
Secret Hack For Getting Motivated When You Have No Energy
For starters, achieving any long term goal is about stacking small actions and achievements over time. I refer to this my success stacking principle and it is how I’ve achieved all of my major accomplishments.
In brief, success stacking boils down to intense focus and execution of the best next step that moves us toward your goal. For example, a person looking to get on track with their finances by age 35 may start by saving more each month until they hit their ideal savings target. With consistency, they will build up a nice nest egg over time that brings them closer to their goal.
Success stacking is the epitome of “eat the elephant one bite at a time”.
At times, executing a single step toward our goals can be a challenge when we have no energy or motivation. Therefore, we need a way to boost our motivation at the moment of contemplation.
Hacking Motivation When You Have No Energy
There are many reasons for no motivation to get things done. These may include having no energy, facing personal life challenges, or being in a bad work environment. Fortunately, solid strategies exists for increasing motivation. Notably, setting goals, establishing rewards, and leaning on others for inspiration all work well.
I’ve used each of these strategies at various points with great success. Additionally, I’ve established a personal hack that gets me moving in the right direction each time I use it.
Here it is.
If you want to get motivated when you have no energy as yourself this question: Would you do it for a million dollars?
A Powerful Question To Hack Your Motivation
We have big dreams and we know the next best step to achieve it. The thing that prevents our success is usually not a lack of desire. Rather, we often feel that we have no energy and the resulting lack of motivation to get moving. After all, it is easier to slump on the couch watching TV at 9pm than it is to study or exercise.
From personal experience, I’ve learned that it is moments such as these that separate those who accomplish things from everyone else. Be that as it may, the simple act of doing anything when you have no energy can still take herculean levels of effort – regardless of who you are.
Interestingly, I’ve found that asking myself whether I would take that next best action for a million dollars flips things upside down and produces positive results.
My days are now extending to much later in the evenings than I typically prefer due to my language learning goal. Consequently, I am forced to work during the evenings – a time where I mostly have no energy or motivation.
Asking myself if I would be motivated to study language for a million dollar prize suddenly gets me moving. Of course I would love to win $1,000,000 for 60 minutes of studying. This would be a dream come true.
Would You Do It For A Million Dollars?
Try it for yourself. Think about an action that you’ve been procrastinating on. Now ask yourself if you would suddenly be motivated to complete that action for $1,000,000. I’m not referring to the larger goal here – just the single next action to move yourself forward. Would you complete the task for a million dollar prize?
The answer would be a resounding yes for most of us.
Tapping Into Your Hidden Motivation Despite Having No Energy
The powerful thing about asking yourself such a question is that it reveals that you have motivation within you in spite of not having energy.
Sure, the question is hypothetical, but the answer you choose is very real. We would all be capable of some pretty amazing things if someone suddenly offered us a suitcase full of cash as a reward.
Just ask the former contestants of the show Fear Factor.
When tired, each moment of contemplation toward action becomes a complex battle between having no energy and drumming up motivation. It is in these very moments that being tired serves as the blocker to the motivation inside of us.
Asking yourself if you would persevere for a million dollars removes the excuse of having no energy and makes our decision to proceed forward a lot easier. If we’d have the energy to do the task for a million dollars, then the energy is there and the blocker to your motivation is now gone.
Other Tips For Getting Motivated When You Have No Energy
The strategy mentioned above works well in moments of contemplation. Beyond that, there are other strategies that will bolster your ability to summon motivation when you have no energy. Here are a few that I recommend you focus on to give yourself the greatest odds of success.
A Good Night’s Sleep Helps Increase Motivation
We know there is a correlation between rest, fatigue, and motivation. Because of this, our core focus should be on ensuring that we get adequate sleep each night. A great night of sleep works wonders for minimizing fatigue so we can have energy and motivation.
Avoid Burnout With Planned Downtime
Even the most intense goal chasers need time to disconnect and re-energize themselves. A great way to do this is by planning downtime on your calendar.
Downtime can look different from person to person. Some ideas include exercise, catching up with loved ones, other hobbies, or even travel. The possibilities are endless.
They key is to be intentional about planning and taking the time off.
A Combination Of A Nutritious Diet & An Exercise Program Can Give You Energy
A rich, nutritious diet combined with an exercise program can go a long way toward optimizing your energy and motivation.
Both exercise and healthy eating are proven strategies for boosting energy. Fortunately for most of us, these are things that are in our direct capacity to control. Take a look at your diet and exercise routine and figure out if any tweaks can be made so you can enjoy more energy and motivation.
Finding Motivation When You Have No Energy
No matter how you slice it, having no energy will always make getting things done difficult. Nonetheless, we must find strategies to summon motivation in spite of not having energy.
To that end, I’ve found that asking myself if I would be motivated enough to take action for a million dollars helps me tap into my hidden motivation and moves me into action. Sometimes we just need to remove the convenient excuse in front of us.
That said, I would like to hear from you on the matter. Have you tried this strategy and does it work for you? Additionally, what are some other viable strategies we can deploy to get motivated when we have no energy?
Drop a comment below to enlighten us all!